> 8770 Holly Ct Apt 102 Tamarac FL 33321

8770 Holly Ct Apt 102 Tamarac FL 33321




List Price




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Featured Listing Description

8770 Holly Ct #102,Tamarac, FL 33321 - Condo for Sale

Featured Listing Information

Mortgage Calculator


Your Mortgage Payment:

Principle Interest

Property Tax

Home Insurance

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Disclaimer: All figures are estimates only and are for informational purposes only. They are not meant to be used as quotes and you should always seek the help of a professional mortgage loan officer to calculate your exact numbers.

Deal Score

75 RealStoria Property Deal Score indicates how competitive is a property positioned to attract viewers online in a common area on a scale of 0 to 100, where 100 is the most competitive. The Deal Score also incorporates;

  • Home property information like square footage, location or the number of bathrooms.
  • Current listing data such as listed price, description, comparable homes in the area and days on the market.
  • Nearby sold properties market data from publicly and other available records.
  • Seasonal demand and local market trends calculated over the last 2-4 months. More info
*All calculations are estimates and provided for informational purposes only. Actual amounts may vary.

Additional Information

Completely update unit, split floor plan with 2 large master suites, walk in closets and 2 baths. View of the golf course from balcony, kitchen equipped with stainless steel appliances, granite counter tops and tile floor throughout the apartment. Rarely available 2/2 in Woodmont holly court Condominium. Maintenance includes Building exterior, insurance, water, basic cable, BBQ area and Pool. All ages.


  • BBQ Area
  • Pool



Walk Score*

Bike Score*

Transit Score*

DISCLAIMER: The content provided here in is from WalkScore and for informational purposes only. No representation or warranty is made regarding its accuracy or completeness and is subject to change without notice.
8770 Holly Ct Apt 102

The Day & Jekov Group at CRR
RealStoria Level Agent

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